Making things happen
"Juanita... is not one to promise without delivering...she has much to offer any school fortunate to acquire her services. She will not sit idly by waiting for things to happen; rather than this she will electrify the place". - Jeremy Lewis - Headmaster Istanbul International Community School
Educator & Leader -Theatre Director, Artist & Musician - Thirty years
International overseas experience for twenty-five years & Canadian for Five Years
Two Masters of Education Degrees plus a Certificate of Principal training in International Schools
Permanent Teaching Certificate from Alberta Canada - Trained and certified in IB Art, IB Theatre, IB Music, MYP Art and Music, and TOK
Experience Leading Creative Arts teams - A unique perspective and ability to work in all areas of the arts, music, and drama
My upbringing as a child focused on exploring and learning about the world around me. My parents who are both highly educated, valued experiential learning and as a result, my youth was filled with a variety of explorations and adventures in areas such as: music, performing and painting sets in theatre, swimming, ballet & dance, or creating art. My family travelled extensively throughout Europe and I learned to celebrate cultural diversity at an early age. I believe that these formative experiences helped to create a deep desire to learn and experience the space I am in.
I am passionate and enthusiastic, armed with a positive outlook and focus - and can pay attention to small details but can also see the big picture - I have a deep rooted understanding that I cannot succeed on my own where I need to cultivate great relationships built on trust. I have a strong curiousity where I will seek out new and innovative ways to improve the classroom experience for students and to improve my own development as a teacher and leader. I have passion for education and curriculum and want to share this with those around me.
My studies in University included a double major in Fine Arts and General Sciences with a minor in Performance Arts. I also obtained a Master's in curriculum design with honours and have completed several certificates in Leadership through the Principal Training Center which culminated in the certificate for Principal in the international school setting. I am currently working on finishing the last few courses in a second Master's in Leadership through the University of Alberta.
My goal is to transition from leadership in the role of a teacher to leadership as a Head of Department, Director in the Arts, Director of Aesthetics or Activities, and also Curriculum Design because I want to be able to impact change for student success and engagement. I believe my previous experiences provide a unique lens to connect with staff and that by tapping into my emotional intelligence and being able to relate with people I am an effective leader. I feel that I could also work exceptionally well in the world of Curriculum planning and design as my skill set aligns well to developing scope and sequence as well as thinking about the larger picture of vertical alignment between the grade levels.
I am creative - curious - highly organized - enthusiastic - and a builder of opportunities to learn.
I have a strong curiousity - I love to seek out new and innovative ways to improve the classroom experience for students and to improve my own development as a teacher. I am always interested in further developing my skills in leadership in administration or in curriculum development in addition to my own artistic pursuits.
I am creative - curious - highly organized - enthusiastic - solutions based and a builder of opportunities to learn.
​My Why: To encourage and inspire people so that they may achieve their highest potential.
Nov 2023
Studying through the University of Alberta cohort masters program, and completion of courses through a blend of in-class and online studies focused on leadership and school improvement.
Connection with International Baccalaureate and the Advanced Certificate in Leadership Research
July 2021
Certificate of International School Leadership
Leadership & Team Dynamics Certificate
Assessment Leadership
Creating an effective school
Instructional Evaluation & Supervision
June 2017
Studied at Plymouth State University with a focus on Curriculum studies and implementation. Studies include a history of curriculum and a variety of curriculum design processes and implementing them in the classroom. Graduated with high honours.
June 1994
Studies in Secondary Education at University of Alberta. Double major in General Sciences and Fine Arts. Studies in performing arts as a minor area of focus. Graduated with a Bachelor Degree in Secondary Education.
2024 Mental First Aid Training
2024 Padi First Aid
2023 IB Advanced Certificate in Leadership Research
2022 IB DP Theatre Category 2
2022 School Reform Initiative - Critical Friends Group Training - Facilitators Training.
2021 IB DP Leading the Learning Certificate
2021 PRESETT Theatre Manager Certificate
2021 PTC Certificate of International School Leadership
2021 IB ToK Category 2
2019 IB Theatre Category 2
2019 Solution Tree: RTI Training
2018 Indigenous Ways of Knowing Workshop
2018 Platform Hydraulic Ladder Lift training
2017 Solution Tree: PLC Communities
2017 Film Analysis and development workshop
2016 Google Certified Educator
2015 Puppetry Mastery workshop - Greg Ruhe
2015 Member of the Cape Horn Society
2014 IB Art Category 2
2014 VCTC- Art of Photographic Makeup
2014 Prosthetics Makeup Course
2013 Broadway Theatre Convention
2013 Physical Theatre workshop - Asian Influence - Mark Hill
2012 NIIMD Basic Beauty Makeup Certificate
2011 Frantic Assembly Devising Workshop
2010 AAIE - Classrooms with Brain and Heart Appeal
2010 School Reform Initiative - Critical Friends Facilitators Training
2009 Physical Theatre Training Workshop - Megan Campisi
2008 STCW95 Yacht Safety training course
2008 Music, Theatre CIS Convention - Nice
2007 IB Music Category 1
2007 IB TOK Category 1
2003 IB MYP Arts
2001 IANTD - Nitrox Diving
2000 DELE Spanish Certification for Foreigners - Basico
2000 SSI Scuba Instructor
2000 PADI Assistant Instructor
1987 Royal Conservatory of Music Gr 8 Piano
1986 Royal Conservatory of Music Gr 2 Theory with honours.
Career Path
August 2023 - Present
Team leader: Visual Arts Head of Department & Current HOD for Visual and Performing Arts
Universal Design for Learning training.
Elementary School Teacher of Visual Arts Grades KG - G 5 including some sessions in Early Years Education. ES Musical Stagecraft production as an ASA and Instrument Ensemble ASA coordinator and parent liaison.
Stage craft Director: Madagascar Jr.
Galllery exhibit encompassing the whole ES School campus
Coordinated Curriculum review, created vertical alignment & scope and sequence to align more with IB PYP principles, UDL approaches and TAB (teaching Artistic Behaviors) as a teaching style.
Working on writing children's picture books and illustrating them.
August 2020 - June 2022
Team Leader: learning leader with coaching component
Critical Friends Group Facilitator training
High School Grades 9-12: IB Theatre SL & HL Yr 1 & 2, IB ToK Yr 1, Acting classes Level 1 and 2 and Stagecraft class Level 1
Taught High school Grades 9-12: Acting levels 1 & 2, Stagecraft levels 1 & 2, and IB Theatre Yr 1 &
Taught Middle School Grade 8: Drama
Established the Thespian Society
Stage Managed Graduation Ceremony - Covid 19 Specifications June 2021
Established the Jr. Thespian Society
Director: A Kidsummer Night's Dream March 2022
Sept 2018 - June 2020
Taught Theatre Grades 10-12
Drama Levels 10-30, Musical Theatre 15-35, Advanced Acting 15-35. Science 14/24, Spanish 10, Art 10-31
Theatre Director Full-Scale Musicals in professional Theatres: Chicago & Sister Act
Theatre Director Play: 39 Steps
Established Thespian Society
Trip Leader - New York Theatre Trip - cancelled by Covid
September 2017- June 2018
Taught Junior High Students in a Catholic School
English Gr 7 & 8, Band Grade 7-9, Drama Grade 7-9, Health & Homeroom to Grade 8 and Religion Gr 7 & 8
Music Ministry: Choir and Band
Theatre Director: Hoodie - Play
August 2009 - June 2017
August 2015 - June 2017
Taught Grade 6 and 8 Art.
Art Director: Reluctant Dragon, Monkey Magic, Wonderland- Musical,
Art Director: Hoodie - play
August 2009 - June 2015
Team Leader - Creative MS/HS Arts Team/Curriculum Support - helped vertical alignment of theatre arts K-12.
Helped coordinate development of new Drama curriculum across campuses
Taught Middle School students Drama to Gr 6-8
Trip Leader: Theatre trip to London
Workshops to HS students on Makeup, Stagecraft design, and Prop fabrication
Director and Art Director for two Fullscale musicals/plays per year in a professional theatre.
Directed: Internal Teen Machine, Robin Hood, Snow White, Zombied, Ali Baba and the Magic Cave, Little Shop of Horrors, and High School Musical Jr. - musicals, Ernie's Incredible Illucinations, Who Killed Dr. Diabolical? Captain Bree Scourge of the Sea and Kidsummer Night's Dream - play
August 2007- 2009
Taught cross-divisional
Music Gr 6-10 IB MYP, TOK Year 1
Artistic and Musical Director: Annie- musical, The Wyrd Sisters - Play
Musical Director - School concerts, Teacher band, Admin Band & Irish Group
Organised Culture Heritage Festivals - Friday Frunch Fest
Joined Assessment Committee to evaluate MYP curriculum alignment
Trip Leader - Band Events Prague and Warsaw
August 2004 - June 2005
Taught IB MYP Music, Art, and Drama to Gr 6.
Director: Chinese Mystical Myths Gr 6 Collaborative devised dinner theatre performance
Designed mixed subject curriculum for Grade 6 students in Music, Art and Drama (MAD)
August 2005 - June 2007
Taught IB MYP Art to Gr 6-8.
Artistic Director: Kidsummer Night Dream - musical, Ernie Incredible Illucinations,-play
Part of IB assessment team to evaluate curriculum and align 6-10 MYP
Trip Leader - Grade 8 Mongolian Week
Created Art Gallery Exhibits - Community Artists & Taught Adult Painting Classes
August 2002 - June 2004
Team leader: Creative Arts Leader MS-HS
Taught Art PreK to Gr 2, & Gr 9-10 Art.
Taught Band to Gr 4-10
Artistic and Musical Director: Robin Hood - Musical, Aladdin - Musical
Created Fine Arts Nights, Talent Shows, Team building activities
Trip Leader Gr 10 Bali & Gr 6 Singapore Trip
Curriculum: Helped develop curriculum for arts for grades K-10 - Instrumental Piano course, Band Grades 4-10, Strings Grades 4-8. Choir mixed grades 6-10.
August 2001 - June 2002
Taught Science Gr 8-9 segregated boys & Girls classes - helped align curriculum to American curriculum
Orchestrated and managed the whole school Science Fair
September 2000 - June 2001
Taught Junior High Students
Band to Gr 7-9, Foods and Home Economics Gr 7-9 and Indigenous Studies Gr 9
Director: Musical Concerts & excursions into the community & Musical Festival participants
Project Leader for the YMCA youth exchange trip across Canada.
Secured $50K Grant to be used to update Band equipment for the school
September 1998 - June 1999
Taught ES & MS students
Music Gr 4 - 6, Concert Band 7-9, English Gr 7, and Fit for life/outdoor education Gr 4-9
Music Director: Kiwanis festivals participants - Gold and Gold with Distinction and Red Deer Honour Band Festival
Band Tour Leader and Organizer - 84 Band students on a 3 day tour of Alberta performing music
Organized and ran a 3 day Band Camp Program
Helped run Pep Rally for Sports Events
Sept 1994 - 1998 & Sept 1999 - June 2000
September 1999 - June 2000
Taught Gr 8 Science - 5 sections - developed curriculum based on Alberta, Canada curriculum
Artistic Director: Wizard of Oz - musical,
The Shakey Tale of Dr. Jakey Hoe Down - Play
September 1994 - June 1998
Team Leader: Creative Arts department
Taught Art to students in Grades 7-9 - 15 sections - developed rigorous Art curriculum based on Alberta, Canada curriculum
Artistic Director: Aladdin - Musical
Team Leader and Learning Leader -
Learning Coach style of team development
Collaborative work & situational leadership styles based on the needs of the team
Professional development courses taken to help expand current knowledge and skill application
Successful experience as a Theatre Director working with creative teams to produce high-quality performances
Trip leaders for week without walls - planning and organizing school trips
Key event organizer in Art Galleries, Music Concerts or other events - working with a team towards producing an event
Member of Curriculum development and assessment team for the Creative Arts - developed curriculum for course in subject
Developed and effectively led Professional Development courses
Early adopter of curriculum styles
Over twenty years experience in theatre as Director for school productions
Recognized for high-quality school productions in both professional and school theatre venues
Award winner of numerous speech and music awards
Proven ability to actively direct all aspects of stage production from: costume design, stage design, prop selection and creation, lighting, sound, music, choral training and voice work, stage and rehearsal manager and leading backstage crews
International success in delivering stage makeup workshops, & makeup tutorials
Focused on the learning that drives action on stage
Constantly seeking new inspiration in theatre, stage design, and fabrication skills
Artistic Director for over 30 productions in professional and school theatre venues 1994-2017 Innovative design using non-conventional media in costume, and winning art pieces
Deftly managed and curated all aspects of Fine Arts night gallery involving live performances
Successfully created murals for interior/exterior facades on buildings, including unique installations Proven ability in stage and genre makeup applications.
Experienced with SFX prosthetics creation and application.
Effective in stage design, set creation, scenic painting, prop fabrication for theatre productions
Creation of curriculum programs for middle and high school
Practicing artist continually looking for professional development courses in the arts
Recognized for high-quality standards during group performances
Proficient in Piano, Flute, Guitar & Ukulele
Performed in orchestra pit for small scale theatre productions
Won Gold with Distinction conducting a Jr. High school band in Kiwanis Festival Worked as Choral instructor for Musical performances
Organized large scale youth group exchange across Canada for Band Students with YMCA
General Science Major offers ability to teach Biology, Chemistry and Physics.
Structured classes with detailed information, unique and creative projects to help forge connections between content
Ability to bridge sciences with arts to find pathways between
Experience with designing problems that challenge students using Scientific model and Design Cycle
Canadian Curriculum
US Common Core Curriculum
IB MYP and DP coursework
Critical Friends Theory
Differentiated Instruction -Problem-Based Learning - Instructional Technology
Research Design - Understanding by Design - Imagination, Creativity and Innovation in Learning- Arts and Learning
Professional Learning Communities
Here you will find some of the different websites that I created. Digital Programmes, Proposed websites for booking facilities, Booking out costumes & Props, and also teaching websites for my courses.
Please contact me with any questions you have.
I am always keen on hearing new opportunities to explore and learn.